Well in about late April or early May we decided to take a bit of a break from working on the house hard core and spend more time with friends and family and doing the summer things like being outside. Though we have been doing small touchup projects in the house and doing decorating as we have come across sales and garage sales.
What took up a majority of our time was a side project; over the last year we had talked with friends how we would like to drive Route 66(Chicago to LA) also as part of my personal bucket list, I wanted to repair a car, so we combined the two. We bought a 1986 Mustang convertible for 1000 bucks and then stuck about 800-1000 in it then drove it there and back, so that was where we were for part of the summer. The other reason that the house was ignored was that I was on buisness in another country, so you could say the house wasn't top prioirty...Oh anyone looking for a mustang convertible? ill give you a good deal :)
Now time to backpedal, the last thing you saw is that we had just finished our basement bathroom and were taking a break for a while. So here we go, we tackled the bathroom some more and picked up decorations as well as some shelves to give it a more complete look....not to mention add funciton since we had quite a few guests over the summer.--One side tip for mirrors is that you don't nessesarily need a frame on the mirror A beveld edge mirror looks just great. Or you can take an old picture frame and put that around it, thats work really good around a mirror; but also know that if a mirror sits in water too long the water will eat away at the reflection material on the backside of the mirror.
We also got the cabinet doors in the laundry room done so we a good amount of storage under the steps( also a great place for all of my work clothes!!!)
We ran into a bit of a pinch in the late summer, we wanted a home where we would be able to host people and we had one room being used by a family member living here for the summer( who can also be accredited for helping us finish a lot of our projects) and we needed another bedroom, so we had to blitz and start and finish a bedroom in about 2 weeks and here are the results... sorry no build photos just finals. It did help we had all the materials we needed just laying around. Minus the suspended ceiling which wans't a cheap purchase.
The only other project that we have been hitting is trying to finish the tiling in the kitchen to the basement which was quite the task considering that i have never tiled stairs before, quite the learning curve. We had to come to some creative solutions, but we are almost done, just have soune grouting to do, and everyone knows how fun that can be.
NEXT..... What we did to our Patio... now extra dining room....